de Boer
Untangling the
intractable knots of conflict
Let's talk about conflict
Conflict, whether in business or personal, locks us into feelings of rage, fear and defeat.
It saps our energy and pulls us into a trap of frustration and vulnerability.
As the conflict escalates, solutions narrow.
It closes down our ability to see options.
We reach an impasse.
The deeper we identify with the conflict the more layers of reactions we experience. Some are crucial to the resolution. Some are not. Together they get fused into a reactive whole.
If this sounds familiar, I can help.
About Bess
Hi, I'm Bess de Boer. I help people and companies resolve immovable conflict that cripples relationships, business, and often their life.
Behind every conflict, from boardrooms to bedrooms, hides a human story.
If we are to truly resolve conflict - beyond simply redistributing the spoils - we need to recognize that it has an inner life – a story that lies underneath its surface.
You can’t solve conflict without understanding what drives it.
After years as a litigator, negotiator and conflict resolution specialist, what I have come to know for sure is this:
My Process
An Unconventional Approach
I resolve conflict through an unconventional process that paves roads to win-win solutions, by putting the human element at the centre of the stage.
Central to this process is a collaborative environment that gives the parties to the conflict control of their dispute, and facilitates understanding of what's important to each side, beneath the surface level of the conflict.
Working Together
This model offers people a way to work together to make decisions that resolve their dispute.
Parties are empowered through a unique process that allows them to maintain
responsibility for the way their dispute is resolved.
The power of understanding
rather than the power of coercion or persuasion drives the process.
What Lies Under
Together we uncover what lies underneath each party's experience of the conflict, in order to build customized solutions to resolve it.
Begin with Why
Together we ask why, examining and questioning positions to get to the root of what matters most.
3 Keys to Agreement
Together we unlock the doors of conflict with 3 transformative keys :
Change perspective
Contact Me
Are you looking for roads through unmovable conflict and curious about how working with me will help?
Let's Connect!
Exploratory calls with me to discuss your unique situation are always complimentary.